The digital art topic that I researched was NFT's. Specifically I researched what they are, because quite frankly I have no idea what they are and how they work. NFT's are "Non-Fungible Tokens" that are exchanged over the internet. They consist of digital works, digital collectibles, videos, or anything that can be digitalized. To have or sell an NFT you need a digital wallet and use different types of cryptocurrency like bitcoin. You pay for them digitally and it is just like paying in cash - it is private and through the owner. The good thing about NFT's and how they are digital is that all the personal information and privacy of that NFT is private and bound to the owner. Similar to selling things in stores, the producer of the product owns the rights to that product and has access to everything about it. Music, Digital artwork, games, videos, Physical artwork, collectibles, and tweets and memes can all be made into NFT's. They allow for cheaper and more time friendly trades because it is all done digitally so it is much quicker to pay and own a piece of art. A con of NFT's is that physical art work is still in the lead. Although we are turning into such a digital and technological new era, people still have a higher desire to purchase a painting or a sculpture rather than an NFT.
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