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Writer's pictureLiv Tierney

Final Artist Statement #3

I struggled a lot during this project and was very apprehensive about approaching it. I had many troubles with the softwares being used and was quite nervous to use them. My original idea for this project was to show the anxious thoughts in my head in the morning by going into the bathroom and washing my face and then it turns into the animation. I think because I was overthinking the project and softwares so much that I did start to procrastinate which caused me to become even more nervous. I did enjoy hand drawing my animations, I think it really showed my style as an artist. I thought it was really cool that I was able to do that and turn them into animations. It was clear that at the beginning of my video you could tell I was nervous and hesitant to just play around and explore the software. I do see that after halfway through I definitely got more comfortable. My favorite part of this project was becoming more comfortable and enjoying playing around with the software. I think it turned out better than I expected, and I'm really proud that I was able to push through being super hard on myself and get the project done.

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