For this video animation project I want to make it about the thoughts that go on in my head and the way I view the world and myself. As a little step by step, I want to start the video off by getting out of bed and starting a new day and how I do that in my life. Then, I want to go into the bathroom and wash my face/brush my teeth, and have this be where the animation starts. I really liked the example shown in class of the dumbo hallucination clip. I think it is more my style of colors and fast movements. I also think the vibe is more of interest to me because it feels very sporadic and more like a trippy hallucination which tends to look like my work . In my animation I want it to be a representation of my conscious. I would like it to include things like the way I view myself, my insecurities, my anxious thoughts, my worries about day to day things and more. I want it to be flashy and be packed with information. I also want to use symbols, which I'm not sure which ones yet because the ones I normally use are in a more positive aspect of change and growth so that is something I'm going to have to think of. At the end of the video I would go back into bed in kind of a depressing mood and vibe, because of all the negative thoughts I was just thinking about.
